SSL or Security Sockets Layer is used in the website to make it secure for the user. This SSL technology is used to keep the internet connection secure between two systems. Now, you may ask while browsing a website that has HTTPS or SSL certificate, for security purposes whether you need a VPN or you can browse that site without VPN.
However, it is suggested that while you are browsing a website that has SSL, use a VPN to make the browsing more secure. To know in depth about why you should use VPN, go through this entire article as we have discussed briefly.
So, let’s get started.

Is It Necessary to Use a VPN while Using SSL?
The internet is a mysterious world and it is loaded with mysterious personalities. That’s why keeping yourself secure and safe is the main concern. In this case, VPN and SSL play a big role to keep the user safe and sound. Both of them basically encrypts your data. SSL is basically used in websites to make them secure for the visitors of it.
Now, is SSL enough to keep you safe? Well, the answer is no. Technology is evolving day by day as well as cybercriminals too. If you research you will get deep learning about them. The main reason why VPNs should be used while you are using SSL is, the SSL website or HTTPS can’t secure your initial connection. To make it easier, when you enter an SSL-certified website, it will access the unencrypted website in the first place.
And this time you may be attacked by cybercriminals. But while you are using a VPN while browsing SSL-certified websites, it provides you double layered security and safe internet browsing.
Key Reasons Why You Will Need to Use a VPN while Using SSL Certified Site
People believe that VPN and SSL are the competitors but it’s not true. By using them together you can keep yourself more secure. Here we have shared the key reasons why you should use a VPN along with SSL.
- Most websites don’t encrypt the data with a single click. For this reason, there is a higher chance of data breaches. But while using VPN, you can be safe from these kinds of threats.
- Nowadays, phishing websites also have SSL certification. From research, it was found that about 83% of phishing website has SSL certification. If you use VPN then you can keep yourself secure.
- While you are using an SSL-certified website, there is a chance of DNS leaking. You can prevent it by using a VPN.
So, by this, you can see that, for better SSL-certified web surfing and keeping your data safe, using a VPN is a wise decision.
Bonus Tips: You can go for an SSL VPN. It’s a kind of VPN that uses SSL protocol. By using this you will get a double layer of protection while surfing the internet.
Frequently Asked Questions And Answers
No, it’s not an SSL VPN. When the HTTP uses SSL certification or SSL protocol, then it’s known as HTTPS whereas the SSL VPN is, when a VPN uses the SSL protocol. Both are different from each other.
What is the difference between VPN and SSL VPN?
The major difference between VPN and SSL VPN is, the VPN allows the users to connect to the entire network whereas the SSL VPN allows connecting to a specific system.
Lastly, SSL only encrypts the data between two systems whereas a VPN does it for overall traffic. Using both of them will increase your privacy. It is suggested to use both of them when you are using unprotective and public networks.